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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Retirement Notice

(Karin) I gave my official retirement notice at work on Friday morning. What a load off my mind. I was going to give them notice at the end of the month. But my boss was going to give me an 'annual review" Friday morning. I just could not let him go through with all that. Everyone seemed so happy for me and Craig.

Anyway, we put the sway and weight distribution equipment on the trailer this weekend. David Hall of Trailer Source in Wheatridge CO has been great at explaining how all this works. Just a few more odds and ends left.

I am researching how to COOK HEALTHY while on the road and love homemade soups, stews and brown rice. Craig likes plain hamburgers and Italian. Since these dishes take time and propane to make, I hope to find cookware to speed the process.

Anyone have healthy cooking stories to share or know of healthy canned or frozen foods without MSG, preservative and those chemicals.

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