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Thursday, January 28, 2010

The First Blog Entry: What the hell are we doing??

(Craig's Entry) Karin and I met on August 1st, 2008. There was an outdoor street fair in Louisville, Colorado. The band "Firefall" had just finished playing. I was standing on a corner, just minding my own business :) She smiled, and I smiled back! And from that moment, we have not looked back. It's been a wonderful adventure!
And now we begin the next chapter. Last October, Karin and I flew to visit her Father in Minnesota. From there, our flight took us to my parents in North Carolina. On the flight back to Denver, I mentioned to her how fun it would have been to have traveled via RV instead of flying. She agreed. Then, we wondered how to see the country without draining our bank account. Lacking an answer, we put the RV thought on the "back burner" for awhile.
On the 16th of January, the RV Show came to Denver. We went, we saw, and we met many happy people that just love their RV's. We picked up many brochures and magazines. We saw quite the price range for RV's: popup trailers new from $6K up to these luxurious motorhomes that the price could actually reach $1 million! With the amount of time that we spend outdoors, we both agreed that we could start small with a towed travel trailer. But how do we finance such a road trip?
Well, the next day, I start reading a magazine that I brought home from the show. I found a word in the back of the magazine that I've never heard of before.
What?? So I go to the website associated with this word: Wow....another door just opened.
What is a workamper? "Workampers are adventuresome individuals, couples and families who have chosen a wonderful lifestyle that combines ANY kind of part-time or full-time work with RV camping. If you work as an employee, operate a business, or donate your time as a volunteer, AND you sleep in an RV (or on-site housing), you are a Workamper!" The answer to our question! How to go on the road, see the country, do the things that we love to do AND not spend every dime that we have.

We both love the outdoors! Kayaking / rafting (our favorites), biking, hiking and more. So here we go!

We bought a truck and a trailer. We have found a seasonal job in West Virginia. We will be running a general store and reservations for a campground. Our plans are to be on the road sometime in April. Our jobs in West Virginia begin on May 10th, and run thru Sept 7th. We are planning to leave Colorado sometime in April. Head east and stop to see Karin's family in Minnesota. After completing the job in West Virginia, we will begin to head South, hopefully already having a gig lined up for the winter months. After one year, we'll evaluate and see where we stand on workamping. We'll probably stop in North Carolina to see my parents.

We will be putting a blogsite together soon. I have enjoyed being in touch with everyone thru FaceBook. We will still be on FB, but with the blog, you can check out our trip and what's going on with it.

We will always check to see, as we pass through various states, who may be nearby that we can stop to see. We'd really love to see you :)

We will do our best to update this as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I admire you guys, that is awesome. Never heard of workamping. I eagerly await the next installment of your adventure!!


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